세계적인 동물용 진단 장비 기업
We’re proud of the work we do, because our work matters. As an innovation leader in every industry we serve, we follow our Purpose and Guiding Principles to help pet owners worldwide keep their companion animals healthy and happy, to ensure safe drinking water for billions, and to help farmers protect livestock and poultry from diseases. We have customers in over 175 countries and a global workforce of over 9,000 talented people.
So, what does that mean for you? We enrich the livelihoods of our employees with a positive and respectful work culture that embraces challenges and encourages learning and discovery. At IDEXX, you will be supported by competitive compensation, incentives, and benefits while enjoying purposeful work that drives improvement.
아이덱스래버러토리스 (IDEXX Laboratories)는 동물의료산업과 함께 수질 및 유제품의 품질에 관한 진단 및 정보기술 솔루션 분야의 세계시장을 선도하는 기업입니다. 미국에 본사를 두고 있으며, 전 세계 60여개 국에 9,000여명 이상이 IDEXX 직원으로 일하고 있습니다.