
[발렌타인드림] 3D generalist 직무인터뷰 | A versatile 3D generalist expert in 3D design and animation.

직무인터뷰 사진


A versatile 3D generalist expert in 3D design and animation.

3D generalist Marianne 23.06.13 5434

따옴표 Motion graphic designers bring their creations to life, infusing simple designs with envisioned concepts and evoking emotions. 따옴표

직무인터뷰 관련 사진

Q1Hello! Please introduce yourself briefly.

Hello! :) I'm Marianne, a 3D generalist at Ballantine Dream. I am French but I've been living in Korea for about a year and a half.

Q2What kind of work are you in charge of?

I am a 3D generalist, specializing in rigging. Rigging involves creating and assigning the skeletal structure of 3D modeled assets in order to make them capable of movement in 3D animation. Lately, I have been working on creating cinematic trailers applying rigging techniques.

Q3Is there any special reason or reason why you chose rigging? And I wonder why you came to Korea!

I am a moviegoer and I have played video games since i’m young. So naturally I pursued studies related to animation. I decided to be a Rigger artist after learning about it in university and finding it fascinating. I also played Korean MMORPG games, particularly Blade & Soul and Aion, watched Korean movies and animated movies such as Wonderful Day, Oseam and through those media, I developed an interest for Korea and wanted to apply my skills in my field of expertise here.
직무인터뷰 관련 사진

Q4Please explain the process of your work!

Before starting the rigging process, I first receive a modeling file and check if the topology is good. Then, I discuss with the animator about the way they prefer their rig. I create and connect the skeletal structure, followed by skin weight painting. Additionally, I work on creating Blendshapes and custom attributes. Finally, I give the file to the animator and ask for feedback and confirmation.

Q5What competencies do motion graphic designers need?

In order to be a 3D motion graphics designer, I believe that being creative and passionate are the most important qualities. Moreover, communication is crucial as well. By understanding the exact requirements and feedback, we can enhance the overall quality. It's also beneficial to constantly stay updated on the current trends.

Q6What do you think is the biggest attraction of the job as a "motion graphic designer"?

Motion graphic designers have the ability to breathe life into their creations as they work on projects. It's truly captivating how, even with simple designs, we can infuse our envisioned concepts and evoke emotions.

Q7I think this job requires collaboration with other departments, what kind of collaboration will it be?

Our work is like a chain, with different stages interconnected. It starts with pre-production, followed by modeling, rigging, animation, texturing, FX, compositing, editing, sound. So we have to collaborate with various departments. Each team comes together, communicating and collaborating harmoniously to achieve the desired outcome.

Q8Is there anything important about choosing a company? And what are the characteristics of "Ballantine Dream"?

First of all, I consider a company's portfolio to be important. I tend to look at the genres of projects they create, the work they have done so far, and overall the company atmosphere. It was all these positive aspects that led me to Ballantine Dream! Ballantine Dream offers a good work-life balance, and the team members give a friendly atmosphere, making communication easier. Moreover, through collaborations with various partner companies, it is possible to create exciting projects. I particularly enjoyed working on cinematic trailer projects. It was great to work on diverse genres and collaborate with multiple video game companies.

따옴표If someone wants to join the company, I would say, don’t be scared.따옴표

Q9How does your company help you with your career? Also, is there anything you're preparing for your career growth?

I'm still struggling with Korean Language, but my team members help me a lot. Also, thanks to the support from our department head, team leader, and colleagues, I am learning a lot. These days, I'm watching rigging tutorials to improve my skills, and doing some design and rendering. I believe that constant learning is essential in the field of motion graphics, as in any other field. Additionally, I'm diligently studying Korean to ensure smooth communication with my team members! :)

Q10What words and reasons can you express yourself?

I would like to express myself as 'River.' Just like a river stream, I can flow anywhere and adapt myself to any kind of project and environment. Always progressing and moving ahead. I want to explore various streams, regardless of genres or projects. And sometimes, I discover a serene and emotional side of myself, just like a calm dawn river. With these aspects, I would like to be represented as 'River.'

Q11Finally, is there anything you would like to say to the applicants for Ballantine Dream?

If someone wants to join the company, I would say, don’t be scared. People are very outgoing and nice. You will learn a lot from others. It is like belonging to a big family. Just ride the wave!

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