
@ 모든 회원분들께

I wanna ask about query regarding my job in Skorea

Udaykiran 2022.03.07 작성
I have completed my Engineering diploma in VAAGDEVI ENGINEERING COLLEGE, as Iam a Engineering Student in ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING(EEE)
Also iam a badminton State Player 
I was a Vaccination duty Employee in Cowin(GWMC) at coronavirus time for 6 months
Iam a expert in English language and i have English teaching skills & iam a content writer too
As i have skills in trading in crypto currency since 3 years and have skills in online websites & betting websites mainly
Iam also a skin care, beauty care & fitness trainer from government GWMC & JNS INDOOR STADIUMS & Cureskin app.
  • DJ1nJHklmo79TjK 2022.03.09 작성
    I think.. One thing is sure that you should speak Korean if you want to get any job in South Korea Haha
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