

기본 정보


남의 활동

전체 1
Looking for an opportunity

I am S*******h from Germany, and an aspiring individual seeking an opportunity to be a part of your team. I have done my Bachelor's in Computer Science from the Institute of Southern Punjab (ISP), Multan, Pakistan, and scored the highest CGPA. I have done my research-based Master's degree in Computer Engineering from Chosun University South Korea. Currently, I am working as an ML developer/researcher at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Germany, where we are exploring the 3rd generation of the neural or Spike Neural Network using object detection computer vision application with the help of an event-based camera. Besides this, I am also working with a Metahuman project team as a researcher on Pose detection using a deep learning algorithm to help the VFS team. Previously worked as an ML developer at Mediazen Lge Partner Company, Seoul, South Korea. I worked on a robotics speech recognition system for the well-known international company Volkswagen AI ID-3 Project and the Computer Vision project with the POSTech University of South Korea on the LG Electronic project. I have good programming experience in a couple of platforms like Python, LabVIEW, and databases. Please review my enclosed resume to learn more about my career and advise me, if there are any other criteria that may help me avail of the prestigious opportunity. FYI, I have a working visa and don't require a sponsorship visa for a job. However, due to my lack of Korean language skills, I would prefer to work in a team where English is used for business communication, I am trying my best to grip the Korean language asap but it definitely took some time.  Currently, I am in Seoul, and here are my contact details, contact information: Number: 010-****7261Email: mr.raosanaullah@gmail.I appreciate your concern and looking forward to your reply. Best regardsS*******h

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https://m.saramin.co.kr/company-review-qst-and-ans/detail-page?qust_idx= URL을 길게 누르거나 터치하면 복사할 수 있어요.